Moritz (11) persuaded his mother to take a special holiday to Cyprus, where they would meet his unsuspecting father, Aiven Bastekis, who was once her one-night stand. Aiven, a man who manages the familys textile trade business, is taken aback by the unexpected reunion and seems hesitant to introduce further complications into his already complex family dynamics, given that he has a Greek father and a Turkish mother. However, his brother Elyas, who had previously departed from the family business to pursue his own dreams, unexpectedly reappears...***影评:*** 这部剧情紧凑而引人入胜,探讨了家庭和个人抉择之间的纠葛。观众将被故事中人物之间复杂的关系所吸引,而不断递进的情节则为整个故事增添了更多的张力。剧中角色的成长和冲突将为观众留下深刻的印象,让人不禁期待这家庭的命运会如何发展。
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