A young girl from an atheist family finds herself possessed by a powerful entity, granting her dangerous supernatural abilities. Despite the concerns of those around her, she embraces these newfound powers and becomes a grave danger to everyone she encounters. As her behavior grows more erratic and malevolent, those close to her must race against time to stop her before its too late.影评:这部影片以一位少女被恶魔附身的故事为主线,展现了对超自然力量的探索和腐蚀。观众将跟随着主人公的变化和矛盾,感受到恐惧和紧张的氛围。故事情节紧凑,剧情起伏不断,在恐怖与心理的交织中展现出了人性的复杂和黑暗面。演员们的出色表现和紧张的氛围营造,使整部影片令人印象深刻。
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