Ethan and his closest companion Justin navigate the complexities of their high school years, eager to unravel the mysteries of their existence before stepping into the world of adulthood. As they embark on crafting their final senior video, the two friends delve into the heart of teenage suburbia with reckless abandon. Along the way, they confront existential questions that challenge the notion that their lives are merely simulations...Review:This coming-of-age tale beautifully captures the tumultuous journey from adolescence to adulthood, as Ethan and Justin grapple with profound questions about the nature of their existence. With a captivating blend of nostalgia and uncertainty, the film vividly portrays the bittersweet transition from the familiar confines of high school to the uncharted territory of the future. Through their rebellious escapades and introspective moments, the characters invite viewers to ponder the universal quest for meaning and identity.
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