During the seed harvest season in a rural village, Ngern is tasked with the important job of gathering and safeguarding seeds for the communitys future. However, his peaceful routine is disrupted when a notorious group of thieves with blackened faces attempt to steal the precious seeds. In a moment of panic and self-defense, Ngern tragically ends up taking the lives of the intruders. Fearing the potential consequences of his actions, Ngern decides to take matters into his own hands. With the help of his two loyal friends, he embarks on a risky mission to acquire firearms to defend the village from further threats.***影评***:这部影片充满了紧张和冲突,展现了主人公为了维护家园而勇敢面对困难的决心。从最初的种子收集到最后的自卫行动,故事情节紧凑,充满了无法预料的转折。主人公不得不在道德与生存之间做出艰难抉择,这种内心挣扎让人对他的命运产生了浓厚的兴趣。影片通过一系列精彩的场景展现了友情、责任和勇气,带领观众体验一场关于保护家园的感人冒险故事。
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