After meticulously planning a flawless heist, Nick is all set to make his big score. However, his girlfriend and the rest of the crew have different plans. In a sudden turn of events, they ambush Nick with a barrage of bullets. Miraculously, Nick survives the attack and embarks on a mission for vengeance, targeting each member of the crew one by one in a frantic race for his life.**影评:**这部剧情紧凑紧张的故事充满了出人意料的转折和紧张的动作场面。主人公Nick在被背叛后与时间赛跑,一步步展开复仇行动的过程中展现出顽强的生存欲和决心。观众将被带入一场生死较量中,不断猜测着Nick下一步的举动,为他的复仇之路而紧张刺激。
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