After leaving his previous venture, Ben (played by Chicco Jerikho) has returned to his hometown where he is now dedicated to advocating for farmer groups whose lands have been unjustly seized by a powerful corporation. Meanwhile, his former business partner Jody (played by Rio Dewanto) is in the process of developing a fresh concept for a new coffee philosophy that is set to debut soon. Just as the launch event approaches, Ben goes missing, throwing everything into disarray and leaving Jody...Review:This thrilling narrative of friendship, betrayal, and the fight for justice keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The seamless performances by Chicco Jerikho and Rio Dewanto bring depth and emotion to their respective roles, drawing audiences into the gripping tale of conflicting ideals and personal sacrifice. With unexpected twists and intense drama, this film is a must-watch for anyone seeking a thought-provoking cinematic experience.
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