The story unfolds in Ljubljana, the bustling capital of Slovenia. Matic resides in a vast neighborhood filled with concrete apartment blocks alongside his mother while his father is away temporarily working in Libya. The duo navigates through their routine life until a sudden twist alters Matics world - he gets selected to be part of a film. During the filming process, he crosses paths with Milena, a girl of his age, sparking a newfound attraction between them.As their friendship blossoms, Matic finds himself entangled in unexpected emotions and experiences, leading him to confront his inner desires and aspirations. The unfolding events challenge his perceptions and open doors to unexplored territories, ultimately transforming his mundane existence into a journey of self-discovery and growth.Review:This poignant tale captures the essence of youth, friendship, and the transformative power of new experiences. The characters emotional depth and the nuanced portrayal of their evolving relationships resonate with authenticity, drawing the audience into a heartfelt narrative of self-realization and budding romance. The picturesque backdrop of Ljubljana serves as a fitting canvas to depict the emotional landscapes of the protagonists, adding a touch of charm to the storytelling. Overall, the film beautifully weaves together themes of identity, connection, and personal growth, offering a compelling glimpse into the transformative journey of its characters.
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