Sixteen wild mustangs, four young men, united by a singular dream: to embark on an epic journey from the border of Mexico to the border of Canada, traversing the rugged terrain of the American West. This gripping documentary follows the four recent college graduates as they train untamed mustangs to serve as their loyal companions, before setting off on an exhilarating and perilous expedition. The untamed essence of both the men and the horses becomes apparent as they confront the vast and unforgiving wilderness that lies ahead.影评:这部纪录片深深触及到人与自然之间的联系,展现了冒险追求的精神和对未知世界的探索。观众将被带入这场关于勇气、友谊和奋进的震撼之旅,体验到真实的挑战和成长。
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