In a small village situated atop the mountains, Maia Zenasi, a rowdy and solitary 16-year-old tomboy, stands out as the only girl on the local hockey team. Her life, both on and off the ice-rink, is filled with challenges. One day, Vanessa, the beautiful and dazed girlfriend of the team captain, flees her home and seeks refuge in Maias family lodge. This unexpected encounter prompts Maia to open up to someone her own age for the first time. As the days pass...---This film delves into the complexities of relationships and self-discovery against the backdrop of a remote mountain village. The juxtaposition of Maias tough exterior with her vulnerability when faced with Vanessas presence creates a compelling dynamic that propels the story forward. The picturesque setting of the mountains adds an element of isolation that enhances the characters emotional journeys. Overall, this coming-of-age tale beautifully weaves together themes of friendship, identity, and the transformative power of unexpected connections.
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