Paul Stevens, a high school student, finds himself in a precarious situation after his science project spirals out of control. Unintentionally, he has constructed an atomic bomb, and now he faces a race against time. With only 11 hours on the clock, Paul must figure out a way to ensure that the bomb does not detonate and cause catastrophic consequences. As he navigates this perilous challenge, Paul grapples with the gravity of his creation and the urgency to prevent a potential disaster.*影评:* 这部影片引人入胜,将观众带入一场悬疑紧张的故事中。从一个高中生意外制造了原子弹开始,整个剧情紧张刺激,给人以无尽的紧迫感。主人公在时间紧迫的情况下,不得不设法化解危机,观众随之经历一场惊险的冒险之旅。这部影片让人思考科技与责任之间的关系,同时展示了个人在极限情况下的勇气和智慧。是一部令人回味的精彩电影。
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