During the turmoil of the Second World War, in the aftermath of a brutal ambush by German troops at a fort, Eugène, a brave Allied soldier, becomes trapped deep underground. Struggling for survival in the dark and claustrophobic tunnels, his fate becomes intertwined with another survivor. Together, they must muster all their strength and ingenuity to overcome the odds and escape a looming, certain death. Little do they know, beyond their underground sanctuary, even greater challenges and horrors await them as the war rages on...【影评:这部影片以二战时期为背景,将战争的残酷与个人生存的顽强展现得淋漓尽致。主人公们身陷困境,被困在地下世界,不仅要直面内心恐惧,更要面对外部世界的残酷考验。故事紧凑扣人心弦,带领观众体验生死挣扎的真实感受,是一部令人深思的战争求生故事。】
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