"Marighella" depicts the life of Carlos Marighella, a Brazilian Marxist known for his work as a writer, politician, and guerilla fighter. Set in the 20th century, the film follows Marighellas resistance against the Brazilian military dictatorship until his tragic death in 1969. Based on the book "Marighella - The Warrior Who Burnt Down The World" by Mário Magalhães, this cinematic adaptation showcases the bravery and determination of a man who fought for his beliefs. Notably, this film also serves as the directorial debut of Wagner Moura...Review:"Marighella" is a powerful and gripping biographical film that delves into the life of a revolutionary figure who stood against oppression. Wagner Mouras directorial debut successfully captures the essence of Carlos Marighellas struggle, bringing to light the complexities of his character and his unwavering commitment to his ideals. The film is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals fighting for justice and freedom, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.
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