In a small town in Schwarzwald, the residents find themselves caught in the tumultuous events of the 1930s and 1940s. As history unfolds, they are faced with the harrowing reality of reconciling with the atrocities committed by their own neighbors. Amidst the growing evil that goes unopposed, the townspeople grapple with their own sense of morality and humanity. Bohdan Slámas film portrays this dark period in stark black and white, capturing the essence of a community torn apart by the weight of its past. As the characters navigate through difficult decisions and moral dilemmas, the narrative delves into the depths of human resilience and the enduring power of hope. The film invites viewers to ponder the profound questions of forgiveness, redemption, and the complexities of human nature. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of confronting history, no matter how painful, and finding the strength to overcome the darkest chapters of our shared past.
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