The story revolves around a young aspiring musician named Sam, who is 18 years old and has recently lost her older sister Amber. Struggling through the grief of her sisters passing, Sam discovers solace in singing and writing songs, a passion that Amber had hoped to pursue. Determined to fulfill her sisters unrealized dream, Sam joins forces with Ambers former band and decides to move to Nashville in order to pursue a career in the music industry. As they embark on this journey, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, but ultimately strive to make Ambers dream a reality.***影评:***这部电影深情而动人,讲述了一位年轻女孩在失去姐姐的悲痛中逐渐找到力量和勇气,坚定不移地追寻着姐姐未能实现的音乐梦想。情感真挚,演员表现出色,音乐元素也增添了不少观影乐趣。故事主线扣人心弦,引人思考生命中的梦想与执着。整体而言,这部影片令人深受感动,值得一看。
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