Hannah and Daniel, both in their 40s and passionate musicians, reside in Montreal where they make a living by reviving Synagogal French music from the late 19th century and early 20th century. Hannah, a French woman, and Daniel, a Quebecer, cherish this genuine piece of a forgotten musical treasure. However, they have been struggling to sustain their musical group in the face of financial challenges...---This heartwarming tale follows Hannah and Daniel, two talented musicians dedicated to preserving a unique piece of musical history. Through their passion for Synagogal French music, they breathe new life into a forgotten art form. Amidst financial struggles and uncertain futures, they must find a way to keep their musical group alive. Will their love for music be enough to overcome the obstacles they face? This story is a poignant reminder of the enduring power of art and the resilience of the human spirit.
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