Eccentric scientist Harper resides in a mysterious mansion complete with a hidden lab, secret panels, an enigmatic butler, and a group of avaricious relatives, each possessing unique abilities. After Harpers apparent murder, Charlie Chan, along with his unanticipated assistant No. 4 son, sets out to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of the body, the perplexing case of a deceased man seemingly walking among the living, and the intricate plot of a secret murder committed before everyones eyes...影评:这部影片融合了神秘氛围、错综复杂的情节以及夸张的角色,为观众带来了一场扣人心弦的推理之旅。神秘的谋杀案件和离奇的事件牵动着观众的神经,而查理·陈和他的四儿子则以独特的方式揭开了真相,使影片充满了悬念与惊喜。值得一提的是,影片的布景和角色设计非常引人注目,为整个故事增添了浓厚的怪诞氛围。观众将在不断的猜疑和揭秘中度过一段扣人心弦的观影体验。
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