The movie follows a cynical, alcohol-fueled private investigator navigating through a peculiar group of personalities while investigating a enigmatic, middle-aged man journeying from Chicago to Los Angeles accompanied by a young Mexican boy. John Rosow, a detective from Chicago, possesses a knack for solving mysteries but finds himself in precarious situations due to his tendency to become too deeply involved in his cases. Despite the dangers that come his way, he never relinquishes his...Review: This modern-day film noir is a captivating and suspenseful tale that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The intricate plot weaves together intriguing characters and unexpected twists, creating a dark and mesmerizing atmosphere. The protagonists flawed yet determined nature adds depth to the narrative, making the audience both root for him and fear for his safety. With its stylish visuals and gripping storyline, this film is a gripping homage to classic noir cinema that will leave audiences craving more.
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