Two adolescent sisters reside in a secluded countryside residence under the care of their aunt, where they are engaged in the process of honey production. The equilibrium in their close-knit relationship faces a threat when a cousin unexpectedly enters their lives. Mara finds herself drawn into a romantic entanglement with the cousin, causing a rift between the sisters. Meanwhile, Juanas fixation on her sister intensifies, leading her to resort to drastic measures to eliminate any obstacles in their path. As tensions mount within the hive of their family dynamics...Review: This spellbinding tale delves into the intricate and complex dynamics between family members, exploring the dark depths of envy and obsession. The lush countryside setting serves as a stark contrast to the simmering tensions within the household, adding a chilling layer to the unfolding drama. The gradual unraveling of the sisters relationship keeps viewers on edge, culminating in a gripping and shocking conclusion. "Unnamed Film" offers a mesmerizing glimpse into the destructive power of jealousy and the lengths one may go to in the name of love.
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