A young boy named Peter, who is 12 years old, and his 9-year-old sister Verity find themselves in a nerve-wracking situation when they are captured and taken underground by a group of armored pangolins. The siblings must work together to find a way to escape from the pangolins clutches and make their way back to the surface before its too late. With danger lurking around every corner, Peter and Verity must use their wits and bravery to outsmart their captors and find a way to freedom.***影评***: 这部故事充满了紧张刺激的情节,让观众跟随着Peter和Verity一起经历惊险的地下冒险。角色之间的合作和勇气展现了家庭的重要性,同时也带来了紧张的情节发展和悬疑的氛围。观众们将被这对兄妹的勇气所打动,期待看到他们如何成功逃脱困境并重返地面。
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