Six young women residing by some of the worlds most important rivers - the Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Danube, Ganges, and Yangtze - embark on a journey to uncover the significance of water and sustainability. As they delve into the depths of their studies, they realize the critical importance of water resources for their communities and the planet as a whole. Empowered by their newfound knowledge, the girls take it upon themselves to advocate for environmental protection and find ways to safeguard their homes and the rivers they hold dear.**影评:**这部影片以六位年轻女子为主角,讲述了她们在世界各大河流流域的成长历程。在关于水资源和可持续性的探索中,她们意识到了水资源对于社区和整个地球的重要性。影片通过展现女主角们的成长与自我奋斗,呼吁观众关注环境保护和水资源管理的重要性。是一部发人深省的影片,为观众提供了关于可持续发展和环境保护的新视角。
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