A Latin teacher, weary of constant battles with her students, decides to bring about peace in her classroom by awarding exceptionally high grades to all. Little does she know that this unexpected move would qualify her students for a prestigious Latin competition held in Naples...This unexpected turn of events catapults the unprepared students into a whirlwind of challenges and adventures as they navigate their way through the competition. With the stakes higher than ever, they must put their newly acquired Latin skills to the ultimate test while learning valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the true essence of education.The film beautifully captures the journey of this unlikely group of students, blending humor, heartwarming moments, and a dash of adrenaline as they strive to rise to the occasion. Through their trials and triumphs, they discover that sometimes, the true victory lies not in winning the competition, but in the bonds they form and the personal growth they experience along the way.
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