






Pareenas life was always idyllic, serene, and beautiful. She was the apple of her fathers eye, and he was like her guiding sun until death tore him away. His mysterious demise left Pareena grappling with an unbearable enigma. Determined to restore her fathers honor, she embarked on a relentless quest for the truth. As she delved deeper into the case, she began to unravel the multifaceted nature of human beings. Whether it was her father, or Korn, a wayward soul yearning for freedom, or Karn, Korns brother who appeared to be the epitome of a perfect sibling, Pareena realized that everyone has their flaws. She learned to comprehend human nature, understanding that everyone is prone to making mistakes, and nobody is infallible.Review: This film takes us on a journey through the complexities of human existence, as Pareenas pursuit for truth unearths the various layers of human nature. The narrative beautifully captures the protagonists growth and her realization that perfection is but an illusion. The characters are intricately portrayed, showcasing the depth and nuances of human emotions. The film serves as a poignant reminder that we are all flawed beings, capable of both good and bad. It delves into the mysteries of life and encourages us to embrace the shades of gray that define our existence. Overall, it is a thought-provoking and introspective tale that leaves the audience pondering about the intricacies of human nature even after the credits roll.

  • 8.0分2009HD中字


  • 8.1分2005HD中字


  • 8.6分2022HD中字


  • 6.7分2004HD中字



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