



In a fascinating tale set in the rural Midwest during the 1980s, we meet Gitty, an 11-year-old girl who stumbles upon her familys secret. Deep in the heart of their farm, hidden away in the silo, her father harbors a wealthy but mysterious man. The familys struggling farm has forced them into this dangerous situation, and now Gitty finds herself caught between saving a strangers life and shielding her loved ones from the potential fallout.As the story unfolds, we are drawn into a captivating fairytale thriller, where darkness intertwines with moments of enchantment. Gitty bravely navigates through this sometimes magical, sometimes ominous world, displaying remarkable courage beyond her tender age. The film American Fable intricately weaves a narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It explores the choices that Gitty must make, as she grapples with the consequences of her actions and the impact they will have on her family. Her dilemma challenges us to question the lengths we would go to protect our loved ones and the moral dilemmas we might encounter along the way.The impressive cinematography transports us to the sprawling fields and rustic landscapes of rural America, immersing us in the storys atmospheric setting. The performances, particularly from the young actress portraying Gitty, are astoundingly genuine, adding an authentic layer to the already gripping storyline.American Fable is not just an enthralling cinematic experience; it also leaves us with profound thoughts and reflections. By delving into themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the blurred boundaries between right and wrong, the film prompts us to question our own moral compasses. It reminds us that life can be filled with shades of gray, and sometimes the most difficult decisions are those that blur the line between heroism and self-preservation.In summary, American Fable is a masterfully crafted narrative that combines elements of thriller and fairytale to create a truly captivating story. It takes us on a journey where a young girls courage is put to the test and illuminates the complexities of moral choices. This film is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to transport us to worlds that both fascinate and challenge our perspectives.

  • 8.3分2007HD中字


  • 8.9分2023HD中字


  • 7.9分2020已完结


  • 5.1分2020HD中字


  • 7.4分1992HD中字


  • 7.2分2014HD中字


  • 7.4分1983HD中字


  • 7.8分2022更新至第13集


  • 5.9分2001HD中字


  • 7.0分2020HD中字


  • 6.4分2020HD中字


  • 7.7分1996HD中字



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