After the tragic suicide of his best friend Kevin, John feels a deep need for change in his life. In a spontaneous decision, he travels to Europe to pursue Kevins muse, Solange – a lesser-known pop music diva and quirky B-movie actress. As their unexpected journey unfolds, they find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue involving sex, drugs, and even murder. The once-solid bond between John and Solange is tested as trust becomes a scarce commodity, leading John to question if Solange herself might be in danger...Review:This gripping tale of loss, self-discovery, and mystery takes viewers on a whirlwind adventure through the underbelly of Europes music and film scenes. The evolving relationship between John and Solange keeps the audience on edge, wondering who can truly be trusted in a world full of secrets. The films exploration of grief and the search for meaning in the face of tragedy is both poignant and suspenseful, making it a must-watch for those who enjoy a mix of drama and intrigue.
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