Ruth is on a quest to find her father, a man she barely knew but still holds dear in her heart. With desperation pushing her to the edge, she takes up a job at a massage parlour without a permit, providing "happy endings" to men seeking solace. As she navigates through the bustling city of Mumbai, Ruth finds herself torn between conflicting emotions and desires, facing inner battles while trying to carve out her own independence in a world that threatens to engulf her.**影评:** 这部电影以孟买作为舞台,讲述了主人公Ruth为寻找父亲而展开的心灵探索之旅。在渴望得到关爱的驱使下,她踏上了一条充满挑战和矛盾的道路,最终在这个充满喧嚣和诱惑的城市中找到了自己的独立和空间。影片通过细腻的情感描绘和对人性的深刻剖析,展现了一个女性在现代社会中追求自我认同和尊严的艰难过程,让人思考人与自我的关系以及生存的意义。
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