The Ceddo, a group dedicated to preserving their traditional African culture, face challenges from Islam, Christianity, and the slave trade. King Demba Wars alliance with the Muslims prompts the Ceddo to take action by kidnapping his daughter, Princess Dior Yacine, in protest of forced conversions to Islam. As attempts to rescue the princess ensue, multiple potential heirs to the throne lose their lives, and the King himself is eventually murdered...***影评***:这部影片充满了激烈的冲突和复杂的人物关系,展现了文化与宗教之间的冲突。主题涉及对传统的执着守护以及外来影响对于社会结构的动摇,让观众深思文化认同与宗教信仰之间的平衡。剧情紧凑,扣人心弦,是一部令人难忘的影片。
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