In the year 2050, Earth has turned into a barren and arid wasteland. Nova, a seasoned fighter pilot, is compelled to journey back in time to avert a catastrophic environmental catastrophe. However, an unexpected consequence of time travel transforms Nova into a youthful version of herself, causing her to crash-land in the year 2025 as a twelve-year-old girl. Despite her urgent mission, nobody seems to view her or her cause with gravity, except for Nas - an overlooked teenager who endeavors to support her...The movie explores the complexities of environmental issues and the urgency of taking action before its too late. The juxtaposition of Novas youthful appearance with her experienced mind creates a fascinating dynamic, enhancing the narrative. The unlikely alliance between Nova and Nas adds an emotional depth to the storyline, highlighting the importance of solidarity in the face of adversity. Overall, the film delivers a compelling tale of hope, courage, and the relentless fight for a better future.
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