An awe-inspiring series unfolds, adapted from a highly-praised novel by the renowned Russian writer, Alexei Ivanov. Blending elements of historical drama, mystery, and fantasy, the narrative takes place in the 15th century. Prince Yermolay, dispatched from Moscow, harbors ambitions to forge a harmonious alliance among the varied tribes of Perm – be they Christians or pagans. In pursuit of this noble goal, the Prince, a devout follower of the Christian faith, makes a bold move by laying claim to the pagans revered artifact, the Gol...Review:The series mesmerizes with its rich tapestry of historical intricacies and fantastical elements, drawing viewers into a world where the boundaries between reality and myth seem to blur. Alexei Ivanovs narrative prowess shines through in this adaptation, creating a gripping tale that keeps audiences at the edge of their seats. As the characters navigate through the complexities of faith and power, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey of discovery and intrigue. With stunning visuals and a captivating storyline, this series is a masterful blend of history and imagination that will leave a lasting impact on all who dare to venture into its intriguing world.
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